



  • Monitor
  • Meeting
  • Big Data
  • Mall bar
  • Stage stadium


乐发Security monitoring in all walks of life has become more and more important, video monitoring system is an important part of the security system of all units, it can clearly display all the monitored images, and can also be flexible switching between large and small images, convey accurate and real information, intuitive and effective, rich content display, widely applicable to various industries.



Conference room is an indispensable part of the company structure. It has the function of meeting visitors and negotiating with business partners externally, and it also plays the role of communicating emotions and discussing affairs internally. Among them, conference display equipment is one of the necessary means to improve work efficiency, which is responsible for collecting more than 60% of the information we perceive.

Big Data

Big Data

乐发According to the construction requirements of national smart grid, aiming at the monitoring and dispatching requirements of power grid dispatching automation system, power marketing system, information data monitoring system and emergency command system, visual control platform is used to strengthen the security protection ability of power grid, and the visual control platform is used to strengthen the security protection ability of power grid.

Mall bar

Mall bar

乐发Due to its bright color, clear image and synchronous audio and video features, huabangying LED display screen provides the audience with amazing visual effect and highlights the commercial value of media resources to the maximum extent, thus becoming the most favored advertising carrier for advertisers in the new media era. In single or multiple commercial centers and areas with large traffic flow, outdoor full-color LED screens are built.

Stage stadium

Stage stadium

With perfect product line and advanced software technology, huabangying can provide customers with customized solutions of LED application products with advanced industry level. Huabangying has provided tens of thousands of successful solution application cases for monitoring center, conference center, outdoor media, radio and television broadcasting, business integration, intelligent transportation and other industries.


Engineering case


项目简介 工程机械、轨道交通、飞机等务领域不断延伸。在品牌形象展示亟待升级的背景下,华邦瀛LED显示产品与多场景解决方案的应用让万赛汽车零部件公司大厅焕发新的活力,擦亮了行业标杆企业的新名片。 在当今数字化时代,企业大厅作为展示企业文化、产品及技术的重要场所,正发挥着越来越重要的作用。如何让大厅在众多竞争对……


Engineering case


项目简介 近年来,随着人工智能、虚拟现实等数字技术的迅速发展,一批文化新业态、新场景应运而生,依托数字赋能和艺术设计,给大众带来文化消费新体验,推动文化产业高质量发展。 在此机遇下,华邦瀛LED显示屏与多场景解决方案应用助力广东省云浮市新兴县文化馆,在多场景视觉呈现、多元业务布局展示等方面提供有力支……


Engineering case


医院承载了民生所盼,医疗问题一直是全社会关注的焦点。近年来,随着医疗服务水平的不断提升,数字化病房、智能护士站、分诊导医等医院智慧信息系统的建设也日益完善。 香港大学深圳医院作为全国14家公立医院高质量发展试点医院之一,是众多医院友邻单位来到深圳参观参观的第一站。在这里,遍布其中的华邦瀛LED大屏结合数字……


Engineering case


乐发数字建设作为数字中国体系的重要组成部分,也是企业的关键抓手和重要引擎。华邦瀛智慧会议解决方案助力浙江汇优文化传媒有限公司,充分利用先进的商显产品与技术,满足多元化的办公需求。 看得见的责任感 强出圈的交付力 交付力,目前已成为华邦瀛重要竞争力。它更像一面镜子,照出华邦瀛的功夫与实力。 当……


Engineering case


在当今数字化时代,企业展厅作为展示企业文化、产品及技术的重要场所,正发挥着越来越重要的作用。如何让展厅在众多竞争对手中脱颖而出,吸引更多参观者的关注呢? 近日,在深度了解鑫巨(深圳)半导体科技有限公司项目场景需求后,华邦瀛采用P2室内LED显示屏,配合灯光音视频设备方案,做到资源互联互通,全展厅场景联控,管理与工……


Engineering case


日前,广东睿飞智慧城市科技有限公司联合华邦瀛完成了会议室的全面数智化升级,积极构筑智慧办公新生态。 如今,人工智能、大数据、云计算等新科技已在千行百业内得到广泛应用。为顺应这一发展趋势,广东睿飞智慧城市持续推进在智慧城市领域的探索和创新。其中重要一环,就是对会议室进行再升级,实现“智能会议”的落地。会议室作为整个……

About Us

  • Company Profile
  • Factory Tour
  • working environment
  • Team style

Company Profile

乐发Shenzhen Winbond Optoelectronics belongs to the brand company of Guangdong Yingxian Industrial Group. It has always focused on the research and development and production of full-color LED displays, and constantly pays attention to the quality and innovation of products.

Factory Tour

The Winbond factory covers an area of more than 3,000 square meters. It has complete production equipment and advanced technology. It has professional R&D, quality, and technical departments to ensure the quality of products.

working environment

Winbond has a clean and tidy working environment, strict discipline, and meticulous working conditions of its employees. It strives to serve every customer in need and has never had a slight slack.

Team style

Winbond regularly holds collective activities such as outdoor development and team building to enhance the feelings among employees, practice the corporate concept of family culture, and build a cohesive team.


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